About Us
Trip Taj Mahal
Trip Taj Mahal is a tour company which always gives 100% satisfaction to the guests.From their arrival till departure because this company always wants recommendation from their old guests to grow their business.
This company is run by Mr.Sunil having a very deep experience in travel industry & hospitality. So it's always a good for guests to get each & every facility under one roof.
We provide all sorts of facilities regarding tour Like.....
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Hotels for all categories
- Hotels for all categories
- Transport for all categories,
- Monument guides for all sorts of foreign language speaking, English,Hindi
- Tour escorts for entire tour.
Tour categories
- F.i.t
- Group tours
- Family tours
- Individual tours
- Ladies tours
- School tours
- College tours
- Industrial tours
- Pilgrimage tours
- Honeymoon tours
- Adventure tours
- Safari tours
- Film industry tours
- Tailor made tours